利用图线研究物理概念和物理规律,是物理中常用的一种方法。在教学中注意充分运用图线培养学生分析问题解决问题的能力,对提高中学物理教学质量,有着重要的意义,下面以中学物理中的P-V图与V-T图、P-T图的变换为例,加以说明。一、用P-V线描述气体状态及其变化: 根据理想气体的状态方程,PV=m/μRT,如果气体的温度T一定,则P、V之间的关系在P-V图上是一条等轴双曲线的关系,这条曲线称为理想气体的等温线。如图1所示的是不同温度下的几条等温线,位置愈高的等温线,相应的温度愈高。一定质量的气体的每一平衡状态可用一组(P、V、T)的
Using graphs to study physical and physical laws is a common method in physics. In the teaching, it is of great significance to make full use of graphs to develop students’ ability to analyze problems and solve problems, and to improve the quality of physics teaching in middle schools. The following example illustrates the transformation of PV diagrams and VT diagrams and PT diagrams in middle school physics. . First, use the PV line to describe the state of the gas and its changes: According to the equation of state of the ideal gas, PV = m/μRT. If the temperature T of the gas is constant, the relationship between P and V is an isometric hyperbola on the PV map. The relationship, this curve is called the ideal gas isotherm. Figure 1 shows several isotherms at different temperatures. The higher the isotherm, the higher the corresponding temperature. Each balanced state of a certain mass of gas can be used for a set of (P, V, T)