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在战争年代共产党领导人中,牺牲了爱妻的有毛泽东的杨开慧、朱德的伍若兰、刘少奇的何宝珍,还有陈毅的肖菊英。五十年代末,江西师范学院历史系社会调查组的师生在赣南挖掘、搜集和整理史料中,获悉陈毅元帅有个妻子牺牲在兴国县。建国后,凡认识陈毅的兴国老表都异口同声地说到陈毅当年确有个妻子在兴国殉难。那时知情人都年富力强,记性很好,娓娓道来,言之凿凿。然而,在那个“言多必失”、以言定罪的特殊年代里,对这种英雄加美人的奇闻轶事,人们讳莫如深。即使知道了也不敢写,写了也不敢发,否则惹祸上身,说不定被打成“恶毒攻击”的现行反革命,叫你永世不得翻身。因此,如此珍贵的史料,只好尘封起来。于是,陈毅元帅在兴国遇难的这个妻子姓甚名谁?籍贯何方?如何牺牲?就鲜为人知。笔者经过多方调查访问,终于把这个“历史悬 Among the leaders of the communist party during the war years, Mao Kai-tai’s Yang Kaihui, Zhu De’s Wu Ruolan, Liu Shaoqi’s He Baozhen, and Chen Yi’s Xiao Juying were sacrificed. In the late 1950s, teachers and students from the Social Investigation Section of the Department of History of Jiangxi Normal University dug in Gannan to collect and collate historical materials and learned that Marshal Chen Yi had a wife who was sacrificed in Xingguo County. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, all who knew Chen Yi’s rejuvenating country table spoke in unison about the fact that Chen Yi had a wife who was martyred in rejuvenating China. At that time insiders are primen, memory is very good, his right, concise. However, in the special era where the word ”we must say no to more“ and the maxim of condemnation, we can hardly tell the anecdote about such a hero and the American. Even know it dare not write, did not dare to write, or get into trouble, maybe be labeled as ”vicious attack“ of the current counter-revolution, so you can never stand up. Therefore, such a precious historical data had to be sealed up. Thus, the martyr Chen Yi killed in the rejuvenation of this wife whose name is very and who knows? The author after many investigations and visits, finally put this ”history hanging
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