回肠神经纤维瘤在临床上属少见的良性肿瘤。现将我院收治一例报道如下: 患者,男,58岁(住院号206911)。因下腹部无痛性包块于1982年12月8日入院。无腹泻,便秘,血便史及膀胱刺激征。检查:一般情况好,心肺正常。仰卧位时可见中下腹部隆起,可触及12×12cm包块,质硬,表面光滑,境界清楚,稍有活动,无压痛,肝脾未触及。腹部叩之鼓音,无移动性浊音。肠鸣音正常。超声波检查:为实性包块。钡剂灌肠:乙状结肠,降结肠,横结肠,升结肠及回盲部均未见异常。包块位于下腹部稍偏右侧与肠道无关系。 于12月21日行剖腹探查术,术中见:距回盲部60cm处一肿瘤17.5×14.4×8cm。瘤表面光滑,包膜
Ileal neurofibromatosis is a rare benign tumor in clinic. One case reported in our hospital is as follows: Patients, male, 58 years old (Hospital No. 206911). The painless mass in the lower abdomen was admitted to hospital on December 8, 1982. No diarrhea, constipation, history of bloody stools and bladder irritation. Inspection: Generally good, normal heart and lung. In the supine position, the middle and lower abdomen bulges can be seen, 12×12cm mass can be touched, the quality is hard, the surface is smooth, the realm is clear, there is slight activity, no tenderness, and the liver and spleen are not touched. Abdominal cymbals drum sound, no moving dullness. The bowel sounds are normal. Ultrasound examination: solid mass. Barium enema: No abnormalities were found in the sigmoid colon, descending colon, transverse colon, ascending colon, and ileocecal region. The mass is slightly on the right side of the lower abdomen and has nothing to do with the bowel. A laparotomy was performed on December 21st. During the operation, the tumor was 17.5×14.4×8 cm at a distance of 60 cm from the ileocecal region. Smooth surface of tumor, capsule