我院原有的空勤科于1999年迁往解放军第463医院。随着军队卫生保障制度改革和联勤制度的实行,确定恢复空勤科建制。经过学习文件、领会精神及向兄弟单位取经,于2005年底建成了新的空勤科,2006年1月起开始收治飞行员,工作已经规范化。现将我们建设空勤科的经验体会报告如下。1 领导重视,工作人员讲究奉献临床部领导站在讲政治的高度,把空勤科建设作为重要政治任务来抓。虽然各科人才都比较紧缺,仍然挑选身体健康、德才兼备、热爱航空医学事业的医护人员到空勤科工作。克服困难,自筹资金60万元用于完善病房配置,改善医疗条件及修建空勤灶,使新增空勤科顺利展开工作,圆满完成飞行人员医疗保障任务。
The original Air-ground Branch of our hospital was relocated to No. 463 Hospital of PLA in 1999. With the reform of the military health security system and the implementation of the joint logistics system, it was decided to resume the establishment of the airfield division. After learning the documents, comprehending the spirit and taking lessons from the fraternal units, a new Air Transport Division was established at the end of 2005, and pilots were admitted to operations since January 2006. The work has been standardized. Now we experience the experience of building Air Force Branch is as follows. 1 The leadership attaches great importance to the staff members pay special attention to the leadership of clinical departments standing on the political level, the construction of the Air Force Branch as an important political task. Although all the subjects are in short supply, they still select the health care workers who have the ability and the ability to serve both aviation and medicine to work in the Air-ground Branch. Over 600,000 yuan of self-raised funds were used to improve ward allocation, improve medical conditions and construct air-condition stoves so that the newly-added Air-ground Branch started its work smoothly and fulfilled its mission of medical security for pilots.