Male, 26 years old, unemployed youth. January 5, 1984 due to fever for 13 days, 8 days urine yellow admission. Low fever with chills, general malaise 13 days before admission, unsuccessful cold medicine. Day 5 High fever, chills, headache, tiredness, anorexia, urine such as strong tea, eye yellow. On day 8, a hospital diagnosed with jaundice-type viral hepatitis, according to hepatitis treatment. Refired fever at about 40 ℃, between a language, treatment for 5 days did not reduce the symptoms, is transferred to our hospital. Admission temperature 40.5 ℃, pulse 128 times, breathing 22 times, blood pressure 100/70, conscious mind, check cooperation, smooth breathing, skin and sclera depth of yellow dye, no bleeding and rash. Eye combined with membrane congestion, pupil and other round, pharyngeal congestion (+). Heartbeat, unheard noise. Abdominal soft, no tenderness, no rebound pain, the upper boundary of the liver in the 6th intercostal space, right subclavian midline rib 4cm, 6cm below the xiphoid, quality Ⅰ ~ Ⅱ °, smooth surface without tenderness. Spleen in the ribs did not touch, no signs of ascites. No lower extremity edema. Negative meningeal irritation, negative pathological reflex. After hospitalized with chloramphenicol,