[病例]男,20岁。2000年 7月20日晚食用油炸蝉幼虫数十个,1小时后出现全身瘙痒,自服阿司咪唑(息斯敏)10 mg后入睡,晨起觉头晕、恶心、口周麻木、张口受限,右面颊部、下唇、包皮水肿,来院就诊。查体:体温、脉搏、呼吸、血压均正常。心、肺、腹未见异常,眼睑无水肿,右面颊部水肿,有弹性,压痛,无指压性凹陷,下唇及包皮水肿,无疼痛。诊断:食蝉幼虫引起的血管性水肿。给予抗过敏治疗,3天后水肿消退。追问病史,
[Case] Male, 20 years old. On the evening of July 20, 2000, there were dozens of edible cicadae larvae eaten after 1 hour, and systemic itching appeared after 1 hour. After taking 10 mg of astemizole (astemizole), it fell asleep and dizzy, nausea, perineal numbness and mouth opening Restricted, right cheek, lower lip, foreskin edema, to the hospital. Physical examination: body temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure are normal. Heart, lung, abdomen no abnormalities, eyelid edema, right cheek edema, flexible, tenderness, no pressure depression, lower lip and foreskin edema, no pain. Diagnosis: Cicada larvae caused by angioedema. Given anti-allergy treatment, edema 3 days later subsided. Ask history,