The Third National Symposium on Seepage Flows of Hydraulic and Hydropower Engineering, co-sponsored by the Committee of Rock and Soil Mechanics and the Project Management Committee of China Hydraulics Society, was held in Lintong, Shaanxi from October 9 to October 1990. Wang Wen-shao, member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, director of China Water Conservancy Society and director of geotechnical mechanics committee attended the meeting. Delegates from 25 provinces, autonomous regions, survey and design, research, institutions of higher learning, engineering management and major river basin agencies, a total of 123 people. The conference received 119 papers, including the basic theory of percolation, groundwater development and supply, water resources evaluation and pollution, numerical calculation and analysis, seepage stability of rock and soil, seepage control measures of hydraulic structures and engineering examples, Safety monitoring and evaluation.