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你又在BBS上灌水 伙计,别烦我了!我的每一张帖子都是精品。 哦,是吗?读你的帖子味同嚼蜡。 没品味的人才这么说。 You are adding water to BBS again. Man, get a life! Every article of mine released on BBS is a piece of fine work. Oh, yeah? Reading your article is like chewing wax. Someone without taste will say that. You’re on the BBS again, guys, don’t bother me! Each of my posts is fine. Oh, is it? Read your post and taste it. Untasteful people say so. You are adding water to BBS again. Man, get a life! Every article of mine released on BBS is a piece of fine work. Oh, yeah? Reading your article is like chewing wax. Someone without taste will say that.
记忆词卡 开通基础词汇  have a crush on someone:迷恋某人  chat online:上网聊天  wake up:起床  biology: 生物学,生物  snore:v.打鼾n.鼾声  right across:正对面  catch up on:弥补    I’ve had a crush on this guy Anthony for a while, and rece
X档案 解密新鲜cool word  the second coming of someone …第二,第二个…  loudspeaker:n.扩音器, 喇叭  DJ:全称是Disco jockey(机器的操作员)可以从字面上理解成迪斯科的司仪或“唱片骑士”。    There’s a girl in my dance class named Shawna, because she is beau
O nce upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel(争吵). All claimed that they were the best.  有一天,世界上的五颜六色彼此争吵了起来,每一个颜色都声称自己是最好的。  Green said:“Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign
One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime left. He was hungry so he decided to beg for a meal at the next house.   
Children are keen Internet shoppers with more than half having bought something online, research has shown. Around 53 per cent of children aged between 7 and 16 said they had purchased something over