Female patient, 52 years old, hospital number 790011. Hemorrhagic shock due to upper gastrointestinal emergency admission. 4 days ago hematemesis and blood in the stool, dizziness fell on the day of admission. Past no “stomach” history, due to migraine headache taking APC for two years. Physical examination: body temperature 37.6 ℃, pulse 116 beats / min, blood pressure 86/58 mm Hg, Shenqing cooperation, anemia appearance, moderate dehydration, light lymph node is not large, jaundice (a), cardiopulmonary auscultation without noise, Breast line sixth intercostal, abdomen soft, scaphoid, gastric type (a), smooth type (a), abdominal varicose veins (a), hepatosplenism, tenderness under the xiphoid (+ Rebound tenderness (+), mass (a), ascites (a), spinal nerve system without abnormalities. Assay: Hemoglobin 32%, white blood cells