(A) Water regime, rain conditions Since the beginning of summer, the Yellow River Basin is generally arid. Although there are floods of more than 4,000 s in the flood season after flood season, the flood peak is small and stable. July 27 to August 5 The two successive floods (as shown in the attached table) below Tongguan caused the two peaks of Qin Factory, the largest flood since 1949, and such a flood occurred below the Yellow River hydrology in Shanzhou Still new problem Originally due to heavy rains on the 7th, 8th, 8th, 8th and 8th centuries alley between Bali and Huali, the Bali Hutong produced a peak at 14.4 and 500 seconds a day and the following watersheds were flooded from Iraq ?) River, Qinhe flood, resulting in the Yellow River Qin plant August 1 at 3.5hrs, 700s advance of the public peak, so that the bottom water generally increased.