周宁县交通运输局 树清廉新风 创阳光工程

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近年来,宁德市周宁县交通运输局加大了交通基础设施建设力度,自2013年以来,开工项目总投资12亿元,目前完成投资约4亿元,交通基础设施建设取得了历史性突破。在加大基础设施建设的同时,注重创建廉政阳光工程,将廉政风险预警防控工作融入交通工程建设管理全过程,为工程的顺利建设提供坚强的保障。 In recent years, Ningde City, Zhou Ningxian Transportation Bureau stepped up traffic infrastructure construction efforts, since 2013, the project started with a total investment of 1.2 billion yuan, the current investment of about 400 million yuan, traffic infrastructure has made a historic breakthrough. While increasing infrastructure construction, it will also focus on creating a Clean and Sunshine Project that integrates early warning, prevention and control of clean and honest risks into the entire process of traffic engineering construction and management, and provides a strong guarantee for the smooth construction of the project.
“三严三实”专题教育是党中央从严治党、从严管党的一次重大部署。各级党组织应把抓好专题教育作为履行党建主体责任的重要任务,加强组织领导,坚持以上率下、抓好学习教育、突出问题导向、注重搞好结合,确保专题教育扎扎实实出成效,为加快“四个盐池”建设进程提供强大动力。  一、以认真的态度深学细查  “三严三实”是一个辩证的统一整体,“三严”是内在要求,讲的是主观世界的改造,“三实”是行为取向,讲的是客观世界