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罗学瓒同志,1892年农历12月25日,生于湖南湘潭县马家河南岸龙家坊的一个忠厚淳朴的佃农家庭里。1912年先后考入湘潭县中学和湖南第一师范求学,他是毛泽东同志的同窗好友,湖南自修大学的学生。1918年在湖南第一师范求学时,就积极参加毛泽东同志领导的著名革命团体——新民学会。1919年同张昆等同志第一批赴法勤工俭学,在法国克娄佐地方的史内德尔钢铁厂工作,每天除坚持繁重的体力劳动外,还积极参加一些社会活动。1921年曾参加当年有名的争 Luo Xueyi comrades, December 25, 1892 Lunar New Year, was born in Hunan Province Xiangtan County Majiahe Longjia Square on the south bank of a loyal and honest tenant farmer family. In 1912 admitted to Xiangtan County Middle School and Hunan First Normal School, he is a friend of classmate Mao Zedong’s friends, Hunan University students. In 1918 in Hunan first normal school, he actively participated in Comrade Mao Zedong’s famous revolutionary group - Xinmin Institute. In 1919, together with Zhang Kun and other comrades, they first went to work-study program in France and worked at the Sneijder Steel Works in Cleopatra, France. Apart from insisting on heavy manual labor, they also actively participated in some social activities. In 1921 had participated in the famous fight of the year
“漫游费太贵了!”7月12日,李霞(化名)在电话另一头对记者抱怨道,“现在为了节省长途漫游费,我买了一部电信手机,这样打长途比我的动感地带手机每分钟至少便宜一毛五。”  李霞是记者的一个朋友,江西人,网络编辑,自上大学起就在北京北漂,至今已有6年了。她是一位很恋家的女孩,周末打电话给父母已是每周必修的课程,即使她已有一部手机。  据李霞介绍,她每次打电话回家,即使拨打了17951,每分钟的费用仍需