消化性溃疡(Peptic Ulcer,PU)是临床常见病,也是经典的心身疾病之一。目前认为PU的发病与多种因素有关系,其发病原因是生物、心理、社会等综合因素,其中社会心理因素起着重要的作用。本文对码头工人及船员52例PU患者进行了心理测试,以了解患者心理状况与PU之间的关系,以期能为提高PU患者的心理健康水平,改善生活质量,降低其发病率提供某些参考依据。
Peptic Ulcer (PU) is a common clinical disease, but also one of the classic psychosomatic diseases. Now that the incidence of PU and a variety of factors, the incidence of biological, psychological, social and other factors, including social and psychological factors play an important role. In this paper, the pier workers and crew 52 cases of PU patients were psychologically tested to understand the relationship between the patient’s psychological status and PU, with a view to improve the level of mental health of patients with PU, improve quality of life and reduce their incidence provide some reference in accordance with.