Alginate modifies the physiological impact of CeO2nanoparticles in corn seedlings cultivated in soil

来源 :Journal of Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CSgrr
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Alginates are naturally occurring components of organic matter in natural soil whose effects on nanoparticle(NP) toxicity to plants is not well understood. In the present study, corn plants were grown for one month in soil spiked with 400 mg/kg CeO2NPs with various alginate concentrations. After one month of growth in the NPs impacted soil, plants were harvested and analyzed for Ce and mineral element concentrations. Chlorophyll concentration and heat shock protein 70, used as biomarkers for oxidative stress, were also evaluated. Results showed that, compared to CeO2 NPs treatment, alginate at 10, 50, and 100 mg/kg increased Ce concentration in roots by approximately 46%, 38%, and 29% and by 115%, 45%, and 56% in shoots, respectively. CeO 2 NPs without alginate increased Mn accumulation in roots by 34% compared to control. CeO2 NPs with low and medium alginate increased Mn by ca. 92% respect to NPs without alginate and by ca. 155% respect to control. CeO2 NPs without/with alginate significantly increased accumulation of Fe and Al in roots. In addition, alginate at 50 mg/kg increased Zn accumulation in roots by 52% compared to control. In shoots, K increased at all NP treatments but the accumulation of other elements was not affected. Alginate enlarged the impact of CeO2 NPs to corn plants by reducing chlorophyll a content and triggering overexpression of heat shock protein 70.
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