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2月22日,中国金融期货交易所沪深300指数期货开户程序正式向投资者启动。此后三周的持续慢热,一方面可解读为投资者教育下的理性审慎,另一方面则为具体政策尚未出台的背景下,开放基金、社保基金、QFII等投资主体在场外的暂时围观。其中,QFII作为一种具备丰富国际投资经验的金融机构,更是急寻跑道进场,以参与A股市场“沽空时代”来临下这场多空力量的较量。2月22日,中国金融期货交易所沪深300指数期货开户程序正式向投资者启动。此后三周的持续慢热,一方面可解读为投资者教育下的理性审慎,另一方面则为具体政策尚未出台的背景下,开放基金、社保基金、QFII等投资主体在场外的暂时围观。其中,QFII作为一种具备丰富国际投资经验的金融机构,更是急寻跑道进场,以参与A股市场“沽空时代”来临下这场多空力量的较量。 February 22, China Financial Futures Exchange, Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index futures program officially opened to investors. After three weeks of sustained slow heat, on the one hand can be interpreted as rational education under the cautious investor, on the other hand is the specific policy has not been introduced in the context of the Open Fund, Social Security Fund, QFII and other investors outside the temporary crowd. Among them, QFII as a financial institution with rich experience in international investment, but also urgently seeking runway approach to participate in the A-share market, “short selling era” coming under the long and short force contest. February 22, China Financial Futures Exchange, Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index futures program officially opened to investors. After three weeks of sustained slow heat, on the one hand can be interpreted as rational education under the cautious investor, on the other hand is the specific policy has not been introduced in the context of the Open Fund, Social Security Fund, QFII and other investors outside the temporary crowd. Among them, QFII as a financial institution with rich experience in international investment, but also urgently seeking runway approach to participate in the A-share market, “short selling era” coming under the long and short force contest.