Compared with the savage method of resolving territorial disputes by force, the peace talks between China and Russia on the Black Belt Island, Arbitration of Laws in Palmas Island in the Netherlands, and the setting aside of cooling on the new island of Murmansk in India and Bangladesh are exemplary. Territorial disputes, though one of the most traditional types of conflicts, have until now remained one of the factors threatening national security and provoking wars. According to a 1996 report, as many as 129 land boundary disputes occurred in the world during the 40 years from 1950 to 1990. The controversy over the maritime boundary is even greater, with an estimated 260 disputed maritime boundaries throughout the world. In the Wikipedia article “List of Territories in the World Sovereignty,” there are about 110 territorial disputes between states and disputes within the country. These territorial disputes not only often lead to regional conflicts and even wars,