在美国西南部的亚利桑那州,巍峨壮观的科罗拉多大峡谷闻名遐尔。而另外一处景观也同样引起游人的极大兴趣,那就是一座国家公园里的一些古树化石。这些具有玛瑙色彩的古树化石,尤其使考古学家们惊喜和迷惑。经考证,这些古树化石已有两亿年的历史,它们横七竖八地躺在那里,像是伐木工人用钢锯锯成的原木段,端面十分整齐。 树化石的形成是完全可以解释的。由于地壳的变动,树于被深深地埋在地下,因与空气隔绝,没有氧气而不腐烂。巨大的压力使木质细胞逐渐为地下水中的矽、铁、锰等的氧化物所代替。由于这些氧化物呈黄、
The spectacular Grand Canyon of Colorado is known in Arizona in the southwestern United States. The other landscape also caused great interest of tourists, that is, some of the ancient trees in a national park fossils. These ancient tree fossils with onyx colors, in particular, surprise and confuse archaeologists. The research shows that these ancient fossils have a history of 200 million years. They lay in a horizontal position, like log saws made by hacksawers with very smooth ends. The formation of tree fossils is completely explainable. Due to changes in the earth’s crust, the tree was deeply buried in the ground, isolated from the air, without oxygen and without decay. Huge pressure for the gradual replacement of lignocytes with silicon, iron, manganese and other oxides in groundwater. Since these oxides are yellow,