【摘 要】
Copy-Move Forgery (CMF) is one of the simple and effective operations to create forged digital images.Recently,techniques based on Scale Invariant Features Tran
【机 构】
School of Information, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
Copy-Move Forgery (CMF) is one of the simple and effective operations to create forged digital images.Recently,techniques based on Scale Invariant Features Transform (SIFT) are widely used to detect CMF.Various approaches under the SIFT-based framework are the most acceptable ways to CMF detection due to their robust performance.However,for some CMF images,these approaches cannot produce satisfactory detection results.For instance,the number of the matched key points may be too less to prove an image to be a CMF image or to generate an accurate result.Sometimes these approaches may even produce error results.According to our observations,one of the reasons is that detection results produced by the SIFT-based framework depend highly on parameters whose values are often determined with experiences.These val ues are only applicable to a few images,which limits their application.To solve the problem,a novel approach named as CMF Detection with Particle Swarm Optimization (CMFD-PSO) is proposed in this paper.CMFD-PSO integrates the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm into the SIFT-based framework.It utilizes the PSO algorithm to generate customized parameter values for images,which are used for CMF detection under the SIFT-based framework.Experimental results show that CMFD-PSO has good performance.
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Effects of vanadium on light olefins selectivity of FCC catalysts were investigated with vanadium having different oxidation numbers (hereinafter abbreviated as
“少年夫妻老来伴”,老伴老伴,老来做伴。夫妻白头偕老,长相厮守,是人生弥足珍贵的一大乐事,是老人晚年生活减轻孤独、解除寂寞的灵丹妙药。生活中,老夫老妻互敬互爱、出双入对、相依相伴的为数不少。但也有一些老夫妻,相互间总是别别扭扭,相互爱抬杠,小吵天天有,怄气三六九,“老来伴”成了“老来拌”。 我的邻居王师傅老两口就是这样一对“停停打打”、“打打停停”的“老来拌”。王师傅退休前是公路养护队的技术员,
提起我写的第一封情书,那要追溯到40多年以前。有一天,我到一位同学家赴宴,席间,同学将妹妹介绍给我认识,我俩一见钟情,彼此暗送秋波,将两颗心系在了一起。 为了表达我的相思之苦和对姑娘的爱慕之心,我悄悄地写了一封情书,通过知心的同志辗转给了她。那时的她正值花季,阅信后芳心萌动,这样,一封情书奠定了我俩的爱情基础。虽然说那时还是父母包办婚姻的年代,尤其是在我们这样一个小镇,容不得我们自由恋爱。然而,
退休后,老年人会产生很多心理问题。要唱好“退休戏”,必须连过“三关”,才能真正适应另一种完全不同的生活。 第一关由主体角色变为依赖角色 主体角色就是对自己的思想和行为负责,能不断地认识世界和改变世界。处于主体角色时,人会觉得自己是有能力的,对很多事情能自行把握,不需要依靠他人。进入老年期后,随着年龄增长,一方面身体逐渐衰老,行动有所不便,有赖家人帮助。一些健康状况差的老人更需要别人护理
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