石化产业振兴规划为行业下一步的发展指明了大方向,新技术、新能源和新材料等行业都将受益。 2月19日,国务院审议通过了石化产业的振兴规划,其主要内容:石化产业资源资金技术密集,产业关联度高,经济总量大,对促进相关产业升级和拉动经济增长具有举足轻重的作用。振兴石化产业,必须在稳定石化产品市场的同时,加快结构调整,优化产业布局,着力提高创新能力和管理水平,不断增强产业竞争力。该规划的内容并不多,由于石化产业子行业众多,因此,该规划只是提出一些纲领性的精神,具体措施则需要细则来规定。目前,国内的石化行业整体处于景气底部,在国际原油价格大起大落的诱导下和国际
The revitalization plan for the petrochemical industry points out the general direction for the further development of the industry. Industries such as new technologies, new energy and new materials will all benefit. On February 19, the State Council considered and approved the revitalization plan of the petrochemical industry. Its main contents are as follows: The resources of the petrochemical industry are technology-intensive, with a high degree of industrial connection and a large total economy, playing an important role in promoting the upgrading of related industries and stimulating economic growth. To revitalize the petrochemical industry, we must speed up the structural adjustment, optimize the industrial layout, focus on improving the ability of innovation and management, and constantly enhance the industrial competitiveness while stabilizing the petrochemical product market. The content of the plan is not large. Due to the large number of sub-sectors in the petrochemical industry, the plan only provides some programmatic spirit. Specific measures require detailed rules and regulations. At present, the domestic petrochemical industry as a whole at the bottom of the boom in the international crude oil prices under the guidance of ups and downs and international