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在深入开展揭批“四人帮”、实现英明领袖华主席提出的抓纲治国战略决策的胜利形势下,我们渴望已久的《毛泽东选集》第五卷出版了,这是我国人民政治生活中的一件大事。以前由于“四人帮”的干扰破坏,《毛泽东选集》第五卷迟迟不能出版发行。狗头军师张春桥为了阻挠五卷的出版,竟然恶狠狠地说出版《毛泽东选集》第五卷“对右派有利”,真是胡说八道,反动透顶。毛主席的著作是马克思列宁主义的不朽文献,毛泽东思想是我党我军我国各族人民团结战斗、继续革命的胜利旗帜,是革命人民的传家宝。“四人帮”背叛马克思主义、列宁主义、毛泽东思想,搞修正主义、搞分裂、搞阴谋诡计,是一伙反革命黑帮,他们才是地地道道的一小撮极右派。英明领袖华主席在粉碎“四人帮”之后,立即作出了关于出版《毛泽东选集》第五卷和筹备出版《毛泽东全集》的决定,并用很大的精力来抓这项马克思主义的基本理论工作,代表了亿万革命人民的根本利益和共同心愿。《毛泽东选集》第五卷的出版,是华主席为首的党中央高举毛主席的伟大旗帜,领导全党粉 The thoroughgoing work of exposing and criticizing the “gang of four” and realizing the victorious strategic decision of the wise leader led by Chairman Hua China has published the fifth volume of the long-awaited “Selected Works of Mao Zedong,” which is one of the political lives of our people A major event. In the past, due to the interference of the “Gang of Four,” the fifth volume of the “Selected Works of Mao Zedong” was delayed in publishing and publishing. In order to obstruct the publication of the five volumes, the head dog soldier Zhang Chunqiao fiercely said that publication of the fifth volume of the Selected Works of Mao Zedong, “beneficial to the right,” was really nonsense and was reactionary. Chairman Mao’s work is an immortal document of Marxism-Leninism. Mao Zedong Thought is the banner of victory for the unity and fighting of our party and army and the people of all ethnic groups in our country in continuing to carry forward the revolution and is the heirloom of the revolutionary people. The “gang of four” betrayed Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse-tung’s thought, engaged in revisionism, engaged in separatism and engaged in conspiracies. They are gangs of counterrevolutionary gangs, and they are the very handful of extremely far-right factions they deserve. Immediately after smashing the “Gang of Four,” Chairman Hua Ming immediately made the decision of publishing Volume V of the Selected Works of Mao Zedong and preparing and publishing the Complete Works of Mao Zedong, and devoted great efforts to grasping the basic theoretical work of Marxism on behalf of The fundamental interests and common aspirations of millions of revolutionary people. The publication of the fifth volume of “Selected Works of Mao Zedong” is the great banner of Chairman Mao held by Chairman Hua and led by Chairman Mao
再见,拉萨!那初春的宗角禄康,薄薄的嫩绿罩染着树梢。上百只鸟儿刚又掠过天空,又静静地飘浮于湖面。我没能看见布达拉宫那动人的倒影,却遇见了满树的繁花。    很多人喜欢这高原上干裂的季节,就像他们,平日里总会来这里消磨些时间,在这样的午后慵懒地倚着湖光山色,发着呆,寂静无言却也恬淡温暖。    人潮流动,却听不见喧嚣与嘈杂。所有的转经筒都在晨光里摇动,像是一声声清脆的音符。    清晨的八廓街,阳光
本文从六个方面对汉语听力教材的部分语料进行归类分析 ,考察听力教学中影响学生听懂的因素及其形成原因 ,并提出相应的教学对策。同时对听力教材的语料选编、练习和答案设计
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通过3个逻辑上紧密联系的实验证明,汉语普通话中存在韵律短语重音,而且这个短语重音落在短语的语义焦点所在词上;词的重读音节时长的延长是短语重音的一个重要声学表现。 Three