循化——这个地名乍一闻自然和撒拉族联系在一起。在外界,似乎成了撒拉的代名词。因此人们对其所辖区内的近三万多人口的藏族同胞却了解甚少,观察甚微。其实循化以四个藏族乡为主的广大藏区也跟其他藏区一样有着悠久的历史和独具一格的民俗文化。 抢婚。这种婚俗在其它藏区也有,是一种特殊的较原始的婚俗。但是由于地域和环境的差异,不同地
Xunhua - this place name is first of all naturally associated with the Salars. In the outside world, it seems to have become synonymous with Sarah. As a result, people in Tibet have little or no knowledge of the Tibetan compatriots in their nearly 30,000 inhabitants. In fact, the vast Tibetan areas mainly under the jurisdiction of the four Tibetan townships also have a long history and unique folk culture as the other Tibetan areas. Married marriage. This custom of marriage also exists in other Tibetan areas, which is a special kind of marriage more primitive. However, due to the geographical and environmental differences, different