互惠互利 共同发展——赵志明副会长在“非洲国家投资环境介绍会”上的讲话摘要

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随着春天的到来,与非洲国家的经贸合作又跨入了新的一年,继续加强合作,深入开拓非洲市场,仍是外贸企业扩大机电产品出口的主题,为了帮助企业理一步了解非洲国家的市场,中国机电产品进出口商会和外经贸部管理干部学院日前在京举办了“非洲国家投资环境介绍会”。机电商会赵志明副会长、外经贸部西亚非洲司俞天宝副司长到会并讲了话,来自阿尔及利亚、贝宁、布隆迪,喀麦隆、中非、科特迪瓦、刚果、几内亚、马达加斯加、马里、毛里塔尼亚,摩洛哥、尼日尔、多哥等14个非洲国家的官员分别介绍了各自国家的经济形势、投资环境、投资政策、投资项目及关税等情况。40多名中国与会人员就企业关心的一些问题与上述非洲官员进行了直接的探讨,会议气氛热烈。为了帮助更多的企业了解这些国家的投资情况和相关信息,本刊编辑部对这次会议的录音、有关资料及企业关心的问题加经整理编译,特推出专辑,相信会引起读者的关注。 With the advent of spring, the economic and trade cooperation with African countries has entered another new year. Continuing to strengthen cooperation and deepening the development of the African market are still the major topics for foreign trade enterprises to expand their exports of electromechanical products. In order to help enterprises make further progress in understanding the development of African countries Market, the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products and the Institute of Management of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation held a briefing on the investment environment in African countries in Beijing recently. Vice Minister Zhao Zhiming of the Chamber of Commerce for Machinery and Electricity and Deputy Director Yu Tianbao of the Division of West Asian and African Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation attended the meeting and made speeches from Algeria, Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, Central Africa, Côte d’Ivoire, Congo, Guinea, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Officials from 14 African countries, including Morocco, Niger and Togo, introduced the economic situation, investment environment, investment policies, investment projects and tariffs in their respective countries. More than 40 Chinese participants conducted direct discussions with the above African officials on some issues of concern to enterprises, and the atmosphere of the meeting was warm. In order to help more enterprises understand the investment situation and relevant information in these countries, the editorial department of this magazine compiled and compiled the recordings, relevant materials and the business concerns of the press conference. The album was specially launched and it is believed that this will arouse readers’ attention.
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