抗日战争时期,在湘西牺牲的众多共产党员中,戴钟萍是最年轻的一个。 1922年,戴钟萍出生在凤凰县镇竿城沙湾一个名门望族家庭。祖父曾任辰沅永靖兵备道的秘书长;父亲戴德滋毕业于湖南武备学堂,是同盟会会员,曾任国民党独立第十师参谋长;伯父戴文垣是晚清举人,曾任辽宁朝阳县知事,后在湘西护国军第二路军总司令部任秘书长;二叔戴恢垣任过独立第十师团长,沅泸警备司令;三叔戴斗垣毕业于保定军官学校,曾任国民党的中将
During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Dai Zhongping was the youngest one among a large number of CPC members sacrificed in Western Hunan. 1922, Dai Zhongping was born in Fenghuang County town of Sandy Bay, a well-known family family. Grandfather served as Chen Yuan Yong Jing Bing prepared the Secretary-General; father Dedei graduated from the Hunan Martial Arts School, is a member of the Alliance, served as the Kuomintang tenth division chief of staff; Uncle Dai Wenyuan late Qing librarian, former governor of Chaoyang County in Liaoning, after Xiangxi Hu Fujun Second Route Army General Secretary of the Secretary-General; uncle Dai Rehiguan served as independent tenth division head, Yuan Lu garrison commander; Uncle wearing bucket wall graduated from Baoding Military Academy, former KMT lieutenant