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马里奥·普作为美国著名的意大利裔作家,通过自己丰富多彩的人生经历和孜孜不倦的学习,最终获得了美国文坛上的不朽地位。这位知名作家的《教父》三部曲已经成为影响整整一代美国人的价值观念和对社会认识的重要作品。在《教父》这部长篇小说当中,最让人扼腕痛惜,同时又感慨万千的人物就是男主人公迈克,这位命运波折的黑帮首领,在自己的成长过程当中,逐步面临着理想和现实的冲突,最终只能屈从于自己的命运,在黑帮中残酷无情地执行着地下秩序,成为一名违背自己理想和初衷的黑道人物。这个人物痛苦的根源是十分值得人们反思的,因为只有把握其命运的无奈和悲苦,才能真正理解人物的文学意象。 Mario Pu, a famous writer of Italian descent in the United States, finally gained the immortal position in the American literary world through his rich and colorful life experience and his tireless study. The famous “Godfather” trilogy of writers has become an important piece of work that affects the values ​​and well-being of an entire generation of Americans. Among the novels of The Godfather, the most deplored and depraved, the most heroic character is the protagonist Mike, who is gradually facing the ideal and reality during his own growth In the end, conflicts can only be subordinated to their own destiny. They are cruelly mercilessly enforcing the underground order in the gangs and becoming a criminals who run counter to their own ideals and intentions. The source of the pain of this figure is very worthy of reflection, because only by understanding the fate of helplessness and tragedy can we truly understand the literary images of the characters.