
来源 :历史教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongshengly
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抗日根据地的经济建设,可分为两个阶段:从抗战开始到1939年,各抗日根据地正在形成,各根据地的财政经济处在分散的不统一的阶段.财政工作的中心,侧重于筹粮筹款,以保证军队的供给.从1940年到抗战结束,各根据地财政经济工作由分散到统一,财政经济政策逐渐完备.在毛泽东同志领导下,根据地展开了大规模的生产自给运动,渡过了难关,赢得了胜利,创造出“中国历史上从来未有的奇迹,这是我们不可征 The economic construction of the anti-Japanese base areas can be divided into two stages: from the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japan to 1939, the anti-Japanese bases were being formed, and the financial and economic systems of the respective base areas were in a scattered and inconsistent phase. To ensure the supply of the army.From 1940 to the end of the war of resistance, the fiscal and economic work of each base area was decentralized to unity and the fiscal and economic policies were gradually completed. Under the leadership of Comrade Mao Zedong, large-scale production self-sufficiency movement was carried out through the area and passed through Difficulties, won the victory, to create a ”miracle never seen in Chinese history, which we can not sign
区域活动作为幼儿园的园本课程已经研究了许多年,在不断深入的实践探索中我们逐步总结出了具有本园特色的区域活动的理念:通过创设多元互动的区域环境,贯彻“我的游戏我做主”的教育理念,让孩子们在动手动脑、合作分享活动中,获得知识经验及能力的提升,培养自主自信的大气儿童。  【关键词】幼儿教育;区域活动;个别教育  自从2004年开始,我园学习福建园所的办学经验,开始进行分区活动,在教室开设美劳区、益智区、