美国化学文摘社采集部 (CASAcquisitions)JodiSchneider在 2 0 0 2 - 0 1- 2 4发给中国高等学校自然科学学报研究会对外联络委员会的电子邮件中 ,提供了《化学文摘》2 0 0 1年收录中国期刊名单 ,总计 72 1种 (不含台湾地区期刊 )。以下仅公布新增
Jodi Schneider, CAS Acquisitions, has given “Chemical Abstracts” 2001 in the e-mail sent to the Liaison Committee of the Association for Natural Science Research of Chinese Universities and Colleges on 2001-02-01 Included in the list of Chinese journals, a total of 72 1 species (excluding Taiwan periodicals). The following only announced new