四川打假暴出惊世新闻:造假者将打假者送上法庭。1996年2月7日.40名省人大代表愤而“起诉”要个“说法”,一纸质询案将四川省—— 1996年2月7日上午,成都市人大常委会机关会议厅。百余平方的会议室座无虚席.摄像机、闪光灯以及一阵阵慷慨激昂的发言所引发的阵阵掌声,使气氛显得紧张而热烈。大厅内国徽高悬,显示出不同凡响的威严。(背景材料 1996年2月1日,四川省第八届人民代表大会第四次会议开幕之际.四川省人大代表、成都彩虹电器集团股份有限公司董事长兼总经理刘荣富就向各位代表报送了一份“黑
Sichuan crackdown outbreak World News: Counterfeiters will be sent to court counterfeiters. February 7, 1996.40 provincial people’s deputies indignant and “prosecuted” to be a “statement”, a paper quarantine case will be Sichuan Province - February 7, 1996 morning, Chengdu Municipal People’s Congress Chamber of Commerce. Hundreds of square feet of meeting rooms were packed, and the applause from the cameras, flash and bursts of passionate speech made the atmosphere seem tense and warm. Hall emblem hanging high, showing extraordinary majesty. (Background: On the occasion of the opening of the 4th meeting of the Eighth People’s Congress of Sichuan Province on February 1, 1996, Liu Rongfu, chairman and general manager of Sichuan Provincial People’s Congress and Chengdu Rainbow Electric Group Co., Ltd., reported to all delegates A "black