设计 8km长的Chiascio供水隧洞从意大利中部的Chiasio河上 2亿m3Valfabbrica综合利用水库引水达 2 0m3/s。它是灌溉佩鲁贾、托迪、斯佩莱托的翁布里安历史城市间蒂伯河谷农田大型供水计划一部分。使用全断面盾构TBM机械开挖和在开挖后立即装
The 8 km long Chiascio water supply tunnel was designed to divert 200 million m3 of Valfabbrica comprehensive utilization reservoirs from the Chiasio River in central Italy to 20 m3 / s. It is part of a large-scale water program to irrigate the Tiber Valley farmland between the historic cities of Perugia, Todi, and Speleto. Full-face shield TBM is mechanically excavated and installed immediately after excavation