
来源 :湖北档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fenghui111
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《湖北档案》是我国档案学、档案工作领域的校心期刊之一。在过去10余年的发展中,《湖北档案》经过了“读者-期刊-作者”之间的相互选择,三者之间尤其是作者与期刊之间必然形成一定的偶合关系。因而,研究期刊作者队伍的构成与分布,于期刊建设有积极意义,亦可闻接地看出目前我国档案学研究的某些特点。考虑到档案期刊文献老化特点,本文选择1990年至1993年出版的《湖北档案》刊发的主要论文及作者为统计分析对象,了解其作者队伍的构成及分布,为《湖北档案》作者队伍建设和期刊价值的进一步提高作参考。 一、发文量与作者数 档案学论文是档案学术研究成果主要表现形式,档案期刊是档案学研究成果交流园地。从某种意义上说,档案学论文作者数反映了档案学论文的生产率 “Hubei Archives” is one of the core journals in the field of archival science and archival work in our country. In the past 10 years of development, “Hubei Archives” has undergone a “reader-journal-author” mutual choice between the three, especially between authors and journals must form a certain coupling relationship. Therefore, the study of the composition and distribution of periodicals team has positive significance in periodical construction, and can also see some characteristics of archival study in our country at present. Considering the characteristics of the aging of the archives periodicals, this paper selects the major papers and authors published in Hubei Archives from 1990 to 1993 as the object of statistical analysis to understand the composition and distribution of its author troop, And the further improvement of the value of the journal for reference. First, the number of papers and writers The archives papers are the main manifestations of the academic achievements of archives, archives journals is the exchange of research results. In a sense, the number of archivist dissertations reflects the productivity of archival dissertations
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女患,63岁。因纳差、乏力2天,巩膜黄染1天于1986年1月5日入院。1月3日下午患者因上腹部疼痛伴恶心,在本村医务室肌注“胃复安10 mg、安痛定2 ml,阿托品0.5mg。”约3小时后出
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