冷战结束后,东西双方发展的庞大军火生产力,在各国政府纷纷削减国防预算的背景下,开始了更加残酷的竞争。代表着不同背景受不同利益影响的军事研究机构,煞有介事的研究后制定出各种武器的综合性能排行榜。而在目前影响范围比较广泛的轻型越野车排行榜里,大名鼎鼎的美国悍马却只被排在了第二位、历史悠久的英国兰德-路虎排名第四、潘哈德VBL第五。而排名第一和第三,分别让名声显赫的悍马与兰德-路虎俯首称臣的, 就是德国奔驰汽车公司的双子星座——乌尼莫克和G系列越野车。
After the end of the cold war, the huge arms production developed by both east and west started more brutal competition in the context of the reduction of national defense budgets by various countries. Representing military research institutes with different backgrounds and different interests, after making earnest studies, they have worked out a list of the comprehensive performance of various weapons. In the current broader range of light-weight off-road vehicles rankings, the famous American Hummer was only ranked second, the historic British Land Rover - Land Rover fourth, Panhard VBL fifth. And ranked first and third, respectively, so prominent Hummer and Land Rover - Land Rover shouting, is the German Mercedes-Benz Gemini - Unimog and G-series SUV.