已有报道,哮喘患者胃食道返流(GER)的发病率明显增加,尤其是重度哮喘患者,其发病率可达 30~60%。作者对44例合并有 GER 的哮喘患者手术治疗的效果进行了5年以上随访。方法 44例哮喘患者均有 GER 症状(体位性胃灼热感、胸骨后烧灼样疼痛),并经食道钡餐、纤维食道镜等检查证实。32例为伴气道阻塞性的严重慢性哮喘患者(FEV_1/FEV_1预计值=68.4±10.2%),其中20例为肾上腺皮质激素依赖者,另12例为发作性
It has been reported that the incidence of gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in patients with asthma increased significantly, especially in patients with severe asthma, the incidence rate of up to 30 to 60%. The authors conducted a follow-up of more than 5 years on the efficacy of surgical treatment of 44 asthma patients with GER. Methods Forty - four patients with asthma had GER symptoms (orthostatic heartburn sensation, burning pain after sternum) and confirmed by examination of esophageal barium meal and fiber esophagoscopy. Thirty-two patients with severe chronic obstructive airway obstruction (FEV 1 / FEV 1 predicted = 68.4 ± 10.2%), of whom 20 were adrenocorticotropic hormone-dependent and the other 12 were episodes