鸡西矿务局总医院隶属于国家特大型企业鸡西矿务局,是国家三级甲等医院。近几年矿务局的资金极度紧张,所属的企事业单位生存发展举步维艰,在如此困难的情况下,唯独局总医院能在夹缝中生存,逆境中发展,一枝独秀,这不可否认是院领导管理有方,全院职工共同努力的结果。2001年的经济收入达历史最高值,比2000年增收 1100万元。下面介绍一下我院是如何加强管理,增收节支,提高经济效益的。 一、严把药品及材料采购关 我院药品及材料采购每年大约需要3000万元左右。如不加强管理,很容易给医院造成巨大经济损失。为此,我院专门
The Jixi Mining Bureau General Hospital is affiliated to the Jixi Mining Bureau, a state-owned large-scale enterprise. It is a national Grade-A hospital. In recent years, the Mining Bureau’s funds have been extremely strained and the affiliated enterprises and institutions have struggled to survive and develop. Under such difficult circumstances, the only Bureau General Hospital can survive in the cracks, develop in adversity and thrive, which is undeniably the leadership of the Institute. Well-managed, the results of joint efforts of the staff of the hospital. In 2001, the economic income reached the highest value in history, an increase of 11 million yuan over 2000. Here’s how our hospital strengthens management, increases revenue, reduces expenditure, and improves economic efficiency. First, strictly control the procurement of medicines and materials. The purchase of medicines and materials in our hospital needs about 30 million yuan each year. If you do not strengthen management, it will easily cause huge economic losses to the hospital. For this purpose, our hospital specializes