1940年 Robertson 氏在滇西大理、下关两地首次发现有日本血吸虫病流行。新中国成立后,尚敏、梁柄学二氏(1951)及金大雄教授(1952)等,先后报道我省大理州之洱源、邓川、风仪、巍山、宾川、弥渡等地,亦发现有血吸虫病患者。在党的关怀重视下,于1953年初建立了专业防治机构,开展防治和调研工作。先后在大理州的大理、下关市、洱源(1954)、巍山(1954)、鹤庆(1954)、弥渡(1954)、剑川(1954)、南涧(1954)、宾川(1954)、
In 1940, Robertson’s first discovery of a Japanese schistosomiasis epidemic occurred in Dali and Shimonoseki in western Yunnan. After the founding of New China, Shang Min, Leung Tau Xue II (1951) and Professor Jin Daxiong (1952), etc., have reported that our province Dali Eryuan, Deng Chuan, wind instrument, Weishan, Binchuan, Midu and other places also Found schistosomiasis patients. Under the care of the party, a specialized prevention and control agency was established in early 1953 to carry out prevention and investigation work. In Dali Prefecture, Dali City, Ehuan (1954), Weishan (1954), Heqing (1954), Midu (1954), Jianchuan (1954), Nanjian (1954), Binchuan 1954),