OBJECTIVE: To investigate the optimum concentration of ethanol extracted from Gracilaria tenuistipitata and to extract the total flavonoids of Gracilaria tenuistifolia by silica gel column chromatography. The content of total flavonoids in Gracilaria tenuistipitata was determined. Methods: The pharmacodynamic tracing test was used to study the anti-inflammatory effect of ethanol extract of Radix et Rhizoma with different concentration on the inflammation model of knee joint. The optimal concentration of ethanol extract was determined by silica gel column chromatography. Ethanol extract of the ethyl acetate extract parts were isolated from the total flavonoids longan, HPLC isolated from the content of the total flavonoids were determined. Results: The anti-inflammatory effect of 70% ethanol extract of Gracilaria tenuistifolia was the best. The solvent was extracted by gradient elution from dichloromethane to ethyl acetate (8: 1 ~ 4: 1) ’, 4’-methylenedioxy-5’, 5,6,7-tetramethoxyflavone, 3 ’, 4’, 5 ’, 5,7-pentamethoxyflavone were 21.3% 46.7%. CONCLUSION: The optimal ethanol extraction concentration is 70%. The solvent system is suitable for the separation of the total flavonoids from Glyptosternophilus tenuis with dichloromethane / ethyl acetate (8/1 ~ 4/1) gradient.