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甘孜藏族自治州位于四川省西部,青藏高原东南缘,属中国最高一级阶梯向第二阶梯过渡地带,横断山系北段川西高原区,平均海拔3500米左右。全州气候湿润,多高山峡谷,河系众多,森林植被丰富,具有充足的木材原料,为藏族民居的多样性提供了充分的条件。州内各县因自然环境条件及建造资源的差异,使得藏族民居各具特色且各成体系,从而形成多样化的地区民居类型,如丹巴民居、康定民居、道孚民居。 Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is located in the western Sichuan Province, the southeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China is the highest ladder to the second ladder transition zone, the northern section of the Hengduan Mountains West Plateau, with an average elevation of 3500 meters. The state has a humid climate, high mountains and valleys, numerous river systems, rich forest vegetation and abundant wood materials, which provide adequate conditions for the diversity of Tibetan dwellings. Due to the difference of natural environment conditions and construction resources, counties in the prefecture have their own characteristics and various systems, thus forming diversified residential dwelling types such as Danba dwelling houses, Kangding dwelling houses and Daofu dwelling houses.
《世说新语》中记载:王羲之曾经暂时居住在别人的空宅,随即命仆人种竹,有人问他:“暂时居住,何必找这样的麻烦?”他一边吹着口哨,一边吟唱,如此良久,才向前指着竹子说:“怎么可以一天没有这位先生呢?”竹子作为岁寒三友之一,有着它独特的精神寓意。以它为邻,自有一番情怀在。自古以来,美景美物都是文人雅士的最爱,在它们身上寄寓着一定的想法甚至志向,反过来说,这些美景美物又陶冶了他们的情操。  其实,每个人都