接到七月号“园林好”当我细心的翻阅了一通之后,我很快的就爱上了“祖国颂”(王世恭词、吕骥曲)这首歌曲。这首歌曲为什么这样吸引我呢?首先从歌词上来看:这首歌词充分表现出我国六万万勤劳的人民在共产党的英明领导下忘我地劳动,使祖国从东北到西南,从粕米尔到东海边,不论是城市或乡村,在这大跃进的年月里,到处都出现了一片欣欣向荣的景象。荒原上出现了无数工厂,江河上架起了宏伟的大桥,河水驯服地灌溉着田野、铁路象河流一样涌向边疆:在农业上出现了亩产七千多斤的小麦,全国小麦总产量已超过了美帝国主义。伟大的祖国真是一日千里地不断的跃进! 这首歌的曲调轻快、激动、充满了幸福感。象一开始的两句曲调就是这样,并且还有一种骄傲的情绪。
Receiving the July issue of Garden Good I quickly fell in love with the Song of the Motherland (Wang Shigong, Lv Ji), a song I read carefully. First of all, from the lyrics, it shows that the 60 million hard-working people in our country, working under the wise leadership of the Communist Party, work selflessly and bring the motherland from northeast to southwest, from Meal Mill to the east Seaside, be it cities or villages, there was a thriving scene everywhere during the Great Leap Forward. Numerous factories appeared on the wilderness, with magnificent bridges on the rivers, water tamed to irrigate the fields, railroads flocking to the frontier like rivers: in agriculture there appeared more than seven thousand kilos of wheat per mu, and the total output of wheat in the country had exceeded US imperialism. The great motherland keeps leaping in and out of the world! The tune of this song is brisk, exciting and full of happiness. Like the beginning of the two tunes like this, and there is a proud mood.