
来源 :韩国研究论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Johnnywang03
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朝鲜派出的二位使臣既没有和穆克登一起上山查水源,也没有在碑端刻名,这使得穆克登定界的程序不够完备,引发了学界有关穆克登立碑的性质是两国的定界,还是清朝单方面查边的争论。本文分析了朝鲜使臣的使命和所起的作用,朝鲜“得地”的范围,以及定界的意义和影响等,认为这是一次由清朝主导的定界,其程序不够完备,在很大程度上由两国宗藩关系的性质决定。然而定界的结果并没有让朝鲜受损失,朝鲜既得到了天池以南的大片空地,还得到了天池以东的图们江上游地区。此次定界有利于朝鲜开发边疆地区,有助于朝鲜消除对清朝的戒心和敌意,使其融入以清朝为中心的天下秩序。本文还探讨了光绪年间勘界时中方代表否认此碑为定界碑的原因,一是因为中方缺失康熙年间的档案资料,不了解穆克登定界的实情;二是为了牵制朝方使其放弃以天池附近的碑、土石堆,以及沿天池东麓划界的主张,因为这有碍于清朝的“长白山发祥重地”。 The two envoys sent by North Korea neither investigated the water source with Mukden nor inscribed the name on the monument, which made the procedure of Mukden demarcation imperfect and triggered the nature of the tombstone of Mukden in academia to be two The delimitation of the state, or the unilateral check side of the Qing Dynasty debate. This article analyzes the mission and role played by North Korea’s envoys, the scope of North Korea’s “land”, and the significance and influence of its demarcation. It considers it a delimitation led by the Qing Dynasty and its procedure is not complete enough. Largely determined by the nature of the relationship between the two countries. However, the delimitation did not result in the loss of North Korea. North Korea not only got vast open space south of Tianchi, but also got the upper reaches of the Tumen River east of Tianchi. The delimitation will help North Korea to develop the border areas and help North Korea eliminate its wary and hostile attitude toward the Qing Dynasty and integrate it into the world order centered on the Qing Dynasty. This article also discusses the reasons why the Chinese representative deny the monument as a boundary monument during the reign of Guangxu. The first reason is that the Chinese lacked the archives of the reign of Emperor Kangxi and did not understand the actual conditions of the Mucden demarcation. The second reason was to contain the DPRK to abandon it The monument near Tianchi, the earth-rock heap, and the demarcation along the eastern foot of Tianchi, were hindered by the “Changbai Mountain’s birthplace” of the Qing Dynasty.