拍摄地点:湖南省,郴州市资县东江湖/拍摄时间:7月29日,18:40INFO:佳能7D,F8,1/200s,ISO 200我连续三年来到东江湖寻梦。这座有着“湘南洞庭”之称的湖泊位于“郴江幸自绕郴山,为谁流下潇湘去”的郴州市。它地处高山狭谷中,昼夜温差很大,所以清晨和傍晚的湖面常会出现雾气蒸腾的景象,每年的七、八月间尤为明显。渔舟点点出没烟波里,一幅活脱脱的美妙图画。
Shooting Location: Dongjiang Lake, Suizhou County, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province Date of shooting: July 29, 18:40 Infiniti: Canon 7D, F8, 1 / 200s, ISO 200 I came to Dongjiang Lake for three consecutive years to find a dream. This has a “southern Hunan Dongting ” said the lake is located in “Chenjiang fortunately from around Chenshan, who shed Xiaoxiang go ” Chenzhou. It is located in the valleys of the mountains, the temperature difference between day and night is very large, so morning and evening the lake often appear foggy scene, especially in July and August each year. Fishing boats little hauntaburi, a beautiful picture of live and take off.