研究了烷基聚氧乙烯型表面活性剂的捕收性能。这类表面活性剂是浮选石英、锡石的一种良好捕收剂,无机盐浓度、pH值等对浮选回收率都有影响。但这类化合物却不能浮选硅孔雀石。按照假设,此类表面活性剂在矿物表面的吸附,是氧乙烯基团与硅烷醇位(Silanol sites)之间氢键键合的结果。pH增加时,由于能够产生氢键的硅烷醇基团减少,致使浮选回收率下降。文中对于硫酸盐的活化效应以及硫氰酸盐的抑制作用,联系到盐类的“盐析”(Salting-out)或“盐溶”(Salting-in)特性,进行了专门讨论。作出了详细的吸附等温线,用于浮选结果的讨论。根据浮选及吸附之间,缺乏严密的联系说明,矿物表面的疏水性当与其他一些作用有关。
The catching properties of alkyl polyoxyethylene surfactants were investigated. Such surfactants are flotation of quartz, cassiter a good collector, inorganic salt concentration, pH, etc. have an impact on the flotation recovery. However, these compounds can not flotation of silicon malachite. It is hypothesized that the adsorption of such surfactants on the mineral surface is the result of hydrogen bonding between the oxyethylene groups and the Silanol sites. As the pH increases, the flotation recovery decreases due to the reduction of silanol groups capable of hydrogen bonding. The activation effects of sulphate and the inhibitory effect of thiocyanate, as well as the “Salting-out” or “Salting-in” properties of the salts, are discussed in detail herein. A detailed adsorption isotherm was made for the discussion of flotation results. According to the lack of close connection between flotation and adsorption, the hydrophobicity of mineral surfaces is associated with several other effects.