注意事项 :1.字迹工整 ,卷面整洁 ,用蓝色或黑色钢笔、圆珠笔作答。2 .认真审题 ,按题意和要求作答。一 选择题 ( 4选 1,每题 1分 ,共 84分。在题末括号中写出正确选择的英文字母 )1.促进机体产热效应最强的激素是 :A.肾上腺素 B.甲状腺素C.皮质醇 D.胰岛素答 ( )2 .
Matters needing attention: 1 neat writing, clean surface, with blue or black pen, ball pen to answer. Seriously examining questions, answering questions and asking questions. A multiple choice questions (4 election 1, 1 point for each question, a total of 84 points in the title parentheses to write the correct choice of English letters) 1 to promote the body’s most effective hormones are: A. epinephrine B. Thyroxin C. Cortisol D. Insulin A () 2.