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贵州的天台山伍龙寺是一处鲜为人知的古迹,它位于平坝县城西南十三公里。这里群山环抱,一座巨岩兀立其中,伍龙寺雄踞于岩顶之上,其形态如天然生就,与岩顶浑为一体,令人叹为观止。笔者于一九八五年仲夏前往考察,深深地被这座古建筑所吸引。我们认为,这寺院不仅造型奇特,而且在选址,与环境的结合,以及建筑群的空间组织上都有着高超的手法。对这样一座类型罕见而又很有艺术价值的古建筑,应给以很好的保护。撰写此文,是期望能引起大家对这一古迹的关注。 The Tiantai Mountain Wulong Temple in Guizhou is a little-known monument, and it is located 13 kilometers southwest of Pingba County. Surrounded by mountains, a giant rock rises above it. Wulong Temple stands above the rock’s top. Its form is as natural as it is. The author visited Midsummer in 1985 and was deeply attracted by this ancient building. We believe that the monastery is not only unique in its shape, but also has a superb tactic in terms of site selection, integration with the environment, and space organization of the architectural complex. For such a rare and valuable artistic building, it should be well protected. Writing this article is expected to arouse everyone’s attention to this monument.