我爱上网球运动,得益于赤峰市老年人体育协会几位老朋友的支持。1989年初,我从学校领导岗位上退下来,市老年体协的领导同志建议我从事网球健身运动,并为我提供一把网球拍。孰料,从此我竟和网球结下了不解之缘。 网球是一顶技术性较强的运动项目。一招一式均有严格的规范和要求,不下一定功夫从基本功练起,真正娴熟掌握技术不太容易。因此,初练时我不急于上场,坚持天天对着墙打,练习手感和挥拍动作。经过两年多的对墙“苦练”,动作定型后开始进入场地练习。以
I love tennis, thanks to the Chifeng City Association of Senior Sports Association several old friends for their support. In early 1989, I stepped down from leadership positions in the school. The leading members of the Urban Senior Citizens Association recommended me to engage in tennis fitness and provide me with a tennis racket. Guessed, since then I actually formed a bond with tennis. Tennis is a highly technical sport. A trick all have strict norms and requirements, no less than a certain amount of effort from the basic skills, the real mastery of technology is not easy. Therefore, I was in no hurry to play when I first practice, insisted on playing against the wall every day, practice feeling and swing action. After more than two years of hard work on the wall, after the action stereotypes began to enter the venue practice. To