深翻改良垆土 促进农业增产

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垆土是关中的主要耕作土壤。分布于关中平原及渭北高原一带,面积一千一百六十余万亩,占关中总耕地面积的35%。垆土土层深厚,肥力较高,耕层有机质含量1—1.5 %,全氮0.06—0.07%,全磷0.14%。微碱性。土质中壤至重壤。适种粮棉等各类作物,增产潜力大。当前垆土种植作物产量不能大幅度提高,主要是没有狠抓深翻改土,长期浅耕,形成紧实的犁底层,熟土层一般只有五寸左右,通透性不良,蓄永保墒能力差,作物扎根浅,不能吸收土壤深层水分和养分,不抗干早。水地由于土地不平,大水漫灌,加之施有机肥少,且质量差,士壤板结,耕性不良,土块大,适耕期短,作物不发小苗。深翻垆土,无论旱地或水地,都有显著效果,一般增产二、三成。近年来,关中地区广大贫下中农以路线斗争为 Soil is the main farming soil in Guanzhong. Located in the Guanzhong Plain and Weibei Plateau, with an area of ​​over 11,600 mu, accounting for 35% of the total arable land in Guanzhong. Loess soil deep, high fertility, tillage organic matter content of 1-1.5%, total nitrogen 0.06-0.07%, total phosphorus 0.14%. Alkaline. Soil to soil heavy soil. Appropriate varieties of grain and cotton and other crops, large production potential. At present, the output of planted crops can not be increased substantially. The main reason is that there is no pay close attention to the deep plowing and long-term shallow plowing to form a compact plow bottom. The mature ply generally has only about five inches, poor permeability and permanent preservation of soil moisture Poor, crop rooted shallow, can not absorb the deep soil moisture and nutrients, not resistant to dry early. Water due to uneven land, flood irrigation, coupled with the application of organic fertilizer less, and the poor quality, soil compaction, poor tillage, large clods, suitable for short period of cultivation, crop does not send seedlings. Deep plowing soil, regardless of dry land or water, have a significant effect, the general increase in yield two or three percent. In recent years, the majority of the poor peasants and middle peasants in the Guanzhong region have struggled with the route
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