The Permian-Triassic boundary line is placed at the bottom of the Hindeodusparvus zone, ie at H. The first appearance of parvus, as the beginning of Triassic, is the division scheme adopted by most scholars at present. Since H. The identification of parvus divergence, leading to H. The “first appearance” of parvus at each section, especially the location of the spots, lacks common standards and contrasts. In this paper, we analyze H. The standard of parvus species and the location of the first spot. Take the positive mode (fig.1b) described by Kozurand Pjatakova (1976) as a guideline and refer to the GuryulRavine section of Kashmir and the section H of the East Ridge section of Xiushui, Jiangxi. Parvus, proposed H. parvus standard species characteristics, and the location of the first occurrence of its point made a detailed analysis. The author suggests that positive specimens of Kozurand Pjatakova (1976) shall prevail, and the primary teeth and fine teeth both preserve the position of the first occurrence of a complete Hindeodus parvus on a continuous lithospheric continuum as a Permian-Triassic bio-formation Division of the boundaries of the standard. According to the analysis of the data obtained so far, the profile of Xiu-Shui Dongling in Jiangxi Province fully complies with the GSSP conditions. Further research is expected to find “gold nails” in the Permian-Triassic boundary and provide a valuable auxiliary profile for inclusion of GSSP candidate profiles in the section of Meishan, Changxing, China.