用不同质量浓度的烯效唑 (S330 7)对菊花进行了叶面喷施试验 ,详细观察其对菊花株型和开花的影响。结果表明 :烯效唑处理的菊花植株显著矮化 ;叶片变短、变窄 ;叶绿素含量增加 ;花期推迟、观花期延长 ,提高了菊花的观赏价值。同时 ,试验结果为经济有效地应用烯效唑控制菊花株型提供了科学依据。
The effects of different concentrations of uniconazole (S330 7) on the growth of chrysanthemum were studied by foliar spraying. The results showed that the uniconazole treated chrysanthemum plants were significantly dwarfed; the leaves became shorter and narrower; the content of chlorophyll increased; the flowering period was delayed and the flowering stage was prolonged, which increased the ornamental value of chrysanthemum. At the same time, the test results provide a scientific basis for the economical and effective application of uniconazole in controlling chrysanthemum plant type.