由于受宏观调控的影响 ,近年来勘察设计企业的市场竞争日趋激烈 ,“揽活难”已成为人们的共识 ,而承揽项目所需的费用开支却越来越大。因此 ,企业不仅要千方百计向外承揽工程增加收入 ,而且要向内挖潜 ,降低成本。只有这样才能在巨大的竞争压力下求生存 ,求发展。●加强职能部
Due to the influence of macro-control, the market competition for survey and design companies has become increasingly fierce in recent years, and it has become the consensus of the people, and the expenses required for contracting projects are increasing. Therefore, enterprises must not only make every effort to contract projects to increase their income, but also must tap potentials and reduce costs. Only in this way can we survive and develop under huge competitive pressure. ●Strengthen the functional department