近年来,我们采用中西医结合的方法,治疗顽固性失眠,收到显著疗效,现报导如下。 [临床资料]本组54例用中医辨证皆属情志不舒,肝郁气滞,日久伤脾,脏腑功能失调而出现的失眠症。症见:顽固性失眠多梦,兼见神疲乏力、头昏健忘、纳呆,善太息,脉弦而无力等。其中男20例,女34例。年龄小者18岁,大者65岁,30~50岁者80%;病程长者5年之久,短者3月有余。 [治疗方法]中药以自拟舒肝健脾安神汤(当归、枳壳、茯神、陈皮、香附、炒枣仁、柏仁各15g,三棱、青皮、木香各10g,砂仁、远志各5g)加减:纳呆者加焦三仙;神疲乏力者加党参;体弱者酌减三
In recent years, we use the method of integrative medicine, treatment of intractable insomnia, received a significant effect, are reported below. [Clinical data] The group of 54 cases of traditional Chinese medicine dialectics are emotional discomfort, liver qi stagnation, the injury of the spleen, organs dysfunction appear insomnia. Zheng Jian: stubborn insomnia and dreams, and see Shenpi fatigue, dizzy forgetfulness, poor appetite, good interest, pulse string and weakness. There were 20 males and 34 females. The younger age is 18 years old, the oldest is 65 years old, and the age is 30 to 50 years old, 80%. The older one is 5 years old and the shortest is more than March. [Treatment] Chinese medicine to self Liver Shugan spleen and God soup (Angelica, Citrus aurantium, Fu Shen, dried tangerine peel, Cyperus rotans, Zaoren, Bo Ren each 15g, triangular, green, woody 10g, Amomum, Polygamy 5g) Addition and subtraction: addicted to add coke Sansen; Shenpi fatigue plus Codonopsis; infirm by three