In order to compare the potential of three different kinds of willow plants to repair cyanide pollution, the plant branches growing new roots and young leaves were used as materials to grow 72 - 120 h in a self - designed 250 mL bioreactor. The incubation temperature was 18 - 20 ℃, the concentration of cyanide 0.45 ~ 0.49mg / L. The experimental results show that most of the cyanide in aqueous solution can be removed by the test plant, but the removal rate was significantly different species, weeping willows (Salixbabylonica L.) within 72h 97.8% cyanide removal (removal rate 0.095mg / (kg.h)) in aqueous solution followed by removal of 94.0% cyanide (removal rate 0.087mg / (kg.h)) within 108h of Salix matsudana Koidz × SalixalbaL. , Populus deltoides removed 71.4% of cyanide within 120h (removal rate 0.057mg / (kg.h)); the cyanide dose used in the experiment did not produce toxic effects on the test plants; the removal of cyanide by plants from aqueous solution Follow zero-order kinetic reaction.