中晚熟玉米新品种金华瑞T82是以M1为母本、M2为父本育成的玉米杂交种。辽宁省玉米区域试验,两年平均产量11 058.0kg/hm2,比对照郑单958增产8.0%,生产试验平均产量11 964.0kg/hm2,比对照郑单958增产10.9%。该品种2012年底通过辽宁省农作物品种审定委员会审定,主要特点为中矮秆、耐密植、米质优、适应性广、稳产性好,适合辽宁省北部、西部中晚熟玉米区及吉林省南部种植。
The middle-late maturity Jinhua Rui T82 is a maize hybrid with M1 as the female parent and M2 as the male parent. Liaoning Province corn regional test, the average annual output of 11 058.0kg / hm2, compared with the control Zhengdan 958 8.0% increase in the production test average yield of 11 964.0kg / hm2, compared with the control Zhengdan 958 yield 10.9%. This variety was endorsed by Liaoning Province Crop Variety Approval Committee at the end of 2012. Its main characteristics are medium-short stalk, close tolerance planting, good quality rice, wide adaptability and good stability and yield, suitable for planting middle and late-maturing corn in northern and western Liaoning Province and southern Jilin Province .