[例1] 储某,26岁,1胎0产,于1977年1月24日第一次住院。因过期妊娠探条引产失败,出现胎儿窘迫,局麻下施行子宫下段横切口剖腹产术.手术过程顺利,术中出血300毫升,术后第二天体温39℃,并维持在38°~39℃之间,经用红霉素、氯霉素后体温才降至正常.术后7天拆线,伤口愈合佳,术后11天出院.出院第四天(手术后14天)突然发生大量阴道流血、伴头晕、全身乏力而于1977年2月8日再次入院。入院检查:一般情况差,贫血面容,血压100/70毫米汞柱,脉细弱,130次/分,体温39.7℃,心肺(一)。腹部伤口愈合佳,宫底脐下3指。阴道内有大量鲜血和血块,宫口松,子宫
[Example 1] Chu, a 26-year-old child with 1 birth and 0 births, was hospitalized for the first time on January 24, 1977. Due to expired pregnancy probe failed induction of labor, fetal distress, under local anesthesia underwent transverse incision cesarean section. Surgical procedures, intraoperative bleeding 300 ml, the body temperature 39 ℃ the next day and maintained at 38 ° ~ 39 ℃ , After the use of erythromycin, chloramphenicol body temperature was reduced to normal after 7 days stitches, wound healing is good, discharged after 11 days after discharge on the fourth day (14 days after surgery) a sudden a large number of vagina Bleeding, with dizziness, malaise and re-admitted on February 8, 1977. Admission examination: poor general condition, anemic face, blood pressure 100/70 mm Hg, weak pulse, 130 beats / min, body temperature 39.7 ℃, cardiopulmonary (A). Abdominal wound healing is good, under the uterus 3 means. Vaginal mass of blood and blood clots, cervix loose, uterus